Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why Ruby on Rails Is Ideal For Web App Development

Where would you be without your favorite web application today? Imagine that you have no longer ability to use the same application across all your devices and share/edit or send information to your friends using the same version of the app? Or isn’t it a nightmare to install all your applications on the hard drive? In this article we will talk about web applications and why Ruby on Rails is ideal for Web App development.

So, as we said before, a modern user will never come back to that out of date scheme of using apps installed on the hard drive: only one device, no more space, particular OS and its version… With a web app, there’s no need in special requirements. The future brings flexibility For Ruby On Rails Online Training.

And if user experience has obviously become something pleasant and easy, developer experience might seem more complicated now. But it’s not always so. We want to tell you about the great and simple tool to develop any web application with no headache. Let’s talk about the advantages of Ruby on Rails web app development.

Everybody knows why Rails is good for fast prototyping and loved by programmers. But let us remind you some of its benefits which make them great for web app development.

  1. With Rails developers can automate many tasks. Rails set up routes for you. (Here you can understand why they called “Rails”: just go along the rails and you wouldn’t get lost!). Routes are the backbone that strings the MVC together
  2. Writing from scratch with Ruby on Rails can give you a set of conventions that would encourage better architecture
  3. Due to a leaner code-base, modular design and using existing plugins, Ruby on Rails web application can be launched two times faster. The reasons mentioned above also lead to providing fast and easy future web app modifications: adding new features, making changes to the data model and so on.
  4. Rails users have no need to know regular expressions to define routes as they do in Django, for instance. In other words, the developer on your project work with no difficulties, no hurry and no extra lines of code make him stressful. Relaxed and happy, he knows that he can find any gem he needs or ask whatever he interested in the Rails community
  5. Plenty of supporting Rails libraries will help you with any web application you create
  6. Rails encourage good coding practices with test suites, tools to analyze your code. The framework is developed to prioritize testing so that makes your development process even easy
  7. Moreover, for medium size database sites, RoR is exceptionally easy to deploy and manage remotely. To get in-depth knowledge on Ruby On Rails, Enroll for live free demo on Ruby On Rails Online Course

That are the main benefits of web app development with Ruby on Rails.

Stay tuned! We will proceed with web app development topic. In our next article you will find out Top-10 web applications for business will make you more efficient.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ruby For Beginners

Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in Japan. This article will cover its basic syntax and some basic programs. This article is divided into various sections for various topics.
1.SetUp : Let’s start by doing setup of the Ruby programming language/ Ruby On Rails Online Training
For Linux Users, Go to terminal and type:
 apt-get install ruby
Windows users, install ruby on your windows.
After that the Ruby will be installed to your system.
In order to compile the a ruby program, Open your text editor and save the program with ‘.rb’ extension. After this, go to terminal(or command prompt) and type : ruby ‘file.rb’ where file is the name of the program you just made, and hence the program will be compiled.
2. A good first program
puts is used to print something on the console in Ruby.For eg. A string
puts "Hello World"
puts "Hello Again"
  • # is called the pound character in ruby and it is used to add comments to your code.
  • =begin, =end are used for multi-line comments 
# this is a comment and wont be executed
= begin
this is 
a multi line
comment in ruby
= end
4. Maths: Simple mathematical functions can be carried out within the puts statements.Just as we use ‘%d’ or ‘%f’ and ‘&’ in C,we will use ‘#{ } in Ruby to get our work done.
puts "Alok has #{25+30/6} Rupees in his pocket"
Output : Alok has 30 Rupees in his pocket
The use of #{ } is how you insert Ruby computations into text strings.
5. Variables and Names : Variables in ruby are the same as that of any other dynamic programming language. You just don’t need to mention its type and ruby will know its type automatically. For More Additional Information Go Through Ruby On Rails Online Course
cars = 100
drivers = 30
puts "There are #{cars} cars and #{drivers} drivers."
Output: There are 100 cars and 30 drivers.
6. Getting input
  • ‘gets.chomp’ is used to take input from user.
  • ‘print’ can be used instead for ‘puts’to print without a new line.
print "How old are you ? "
age = gets.chomp
print "How tall are you ?"
height = gets.chomp
puts " You are #{age} year old and your height is #{height} cms"
Run this code on your system as output will be given by the user
7. Prompting people for numbers
  • gets.chomp.to_i is used to get integer input from user.
  • gets.chomp.to_f is used to get float(decimal) input from user.
Enroll For Live Free Demo On Ruby On Rails Course
print "Give a number"
number = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "You just entered #{number}"